Registration FAQs
What is the refund policy?
Any registration cancelled prior to approximately 3 weeks before the start of the symposium will be refunded fully minus $50. After that date, there will be no refunds issued for registration fees and all fees paid will be forfeited. For the exact cut-off date, consult the symposium program on the website. If you want to transfer your registration to someone else in your organization and instead of cancel, you need to contact the MEA before the symposium and provide all the information needed to do a transfer.
Can I send an alternate/substitute if I have already registered, but cannot attend?
If you want to transfer your registration to someone else in your organization and not cancel, you need to contact the MEA before the symposium and provide all the information needed to do a transfer. The substitution must be communicated to Ron Mancini ( or Ed Boesiger ( prior to the event. We will not accept a substitution if someone shows up at the conference who was not previously identified as a substitute prior to the event. Anyone showing up as a substitute not previously identified will be considered a new registration and will have to pay the full late registration fee at that time.
What happens if the symposium is canceled altogether?
If the event is cancelled due to circumstances that warrant a cancellation by the MEA or outside forces, full refunds of whatever has been paid will be issued.
How do I find or print my receipt?
You will receive an email within a few days after completing the paid registration confirming your registration for AMS 2022. The email will include a link to an on-line pdf receipt for the transaction that you can print.
If I am a co-author of a paper, do I sign up as Presenting Author or General registration?
Only the author giving the presentation is to register as Presenting Author. All co-authors who are attending, but not presenting, are to register as Co-Author (Not Presenting), one of the selections in the pulldown in the box that says “Choose an option” during the online registration process.
Is it ok to have my company address in the main registration but a different address for Billing/Payment Section of the online Registration?
Yes. The registration as attendee is to be your company address. In the payment/billing section the address entered MUST be the billing address associated with the credit card being used to make payment. If it is not, the card will be rejected and you will not be able to complete payment.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
- MEA Treasurer – Ron Mancini,
Registration site – Paul McMahon,